Abstract Submission
All free paper presenters must register and pay the applicable registration fees to remain in the program. Presenters who fail to pay registration fees risk will be removed from the program at the discretion of the Program Committee. There is no reduced registration fee for presenters. Please go to the Registration page on the Congress website at https://pibhiferi2024.com/registration/
- The first (presenting) author is expected to register and pay the full registration fee, attend the Congress and make the presentation.
- One oral presentation/poster presentation (even if there is more than one author) will only receive 1 (one) certificate.
- Free paper (oral) and poster presentations will be included in the prize competition.
- All submitted Slide Presentation (Oral) & Poster, cannot be revised after the submitted deadline.
PIB HIFERI committee does not provide any financial support – such as a registration waiver, accommodation and/or travel support – to presenters. Presenters are responsible for their own expenses related to their congress participation.
When submitting abstracts, authors are required to choose:
1) Presentation styles
- Oral Session
- E- Poster
2) Author Information
During online submission, the following information is required for all authors:
- full name
- affiliation (organization/institution, city, country)
- email address
- phone number
The submitter will be asked to indicate the presenter. One of the listed authors must be the presenter. It is recommended to limit the selection to one presenter. All correspondence will be with the person who submits the abstract.
Note: Submissions will be peer reviewed – the review process is double blinded, meaning that author and reviewer information is not shared with either party.
3) Consent to Publication
During submission, the submitter is required to consent to publication of the submitted abstract.
The submitter is responsible for receiving consent from all authors before completing a submission.
4) Language
Written submissions are accepted in Bahasa and English.
Guidelines of Abstract Submission
The abstract submission guidelines for The 9th Indonesian Fertility and Endocrinology Association Biennial Scientific Meeting are intended to provide clear instructions before submitting an abstract. You are kindly requested to carefully read the guidelines stated below. The PIB HIFERI IX 2024 Scientific Committee (SC) maintains the right to reject any abstract that does not meet the below requirements or is in violation of them
Submission deadline – Wednesday, 31 July 2024
Submitter notified of acceptance by email – Wednesday, 7 August 2024
All free paper presenters must register and pay the applicable registration fees to remain in the program. Presenters who fail to pay registration fees risk will be removed from the program at the discretion of the Program Committee. There is no reduced registration fee for presenters. Please go to the Registration page on the Congress website at https://pibhiferi2024.com/registration/
PIB HIFERI committee does not provide any financial support – such as a registration waiver, accommodation and/or travel support – to presenters. Presenters are responsible for their own expenses related to their congress participation.
Total number of words for the title
140 characters
Total number of Affiliations
5 affiliations
Total number of words for the body
1,600 characters
Total number of Authors (first author and co-authors)
3 authors